ozeo dag 2024

Media Hologram was aanwezig bij de allereerste Ozeo-dag in Zeeland. Deze bijzondere dag werd gehouden bij Deltapark Neeltje Jans. Deze dag stond in het teken van het koersplan 2024 – 2028 waar Simon Hanemaaijer mocht spreken samen met AI-Hologram Lexie.


Ozeo is een organisatie voor specialistisch onderwijs in Zeeland en is ontstaan op 1 augustus 2021 door het samengaan van twee stichtingen (Stichting Respont en Stichting De Korre). De organisatie bestaat uit zeventien scholen verdeeld over drie regio’s: Walcheren, Zeeuws-Vlaanderen en de Bevelanden/Tholen. Ozeo heeft vier scholen voor speciaal basisonderwijs, tien scholen voor (voorgezet) speciaal onderwijs en drie scholen voor praktijkonderwijs. 

De organisatie telt inmiddels meer dan 700 medewerkers voor ongeveer 2200 leerlingen. Als motto “leren (voor het) leven” doen ze er alles aan om voor iedere leerling een passende plek te vinden in het vervolgonderwijs, dagbesteding en in de samenleving!


Voor deze bijzondere dag waren wij van Media Hologram en AI-hologram Lexie uitgenodigd om als sprekers aanwezig te zijn. Bezoekers van alle leeftijden waren aanwezig om een voorproefje te krijgen van de partijen die deel uitmaken van het beleidsplan, ook wel bekend als het “koersplan”. In dit plan worden de speerpunten voor de komende vier jaar beschreven en laat Ozeo zien hoe zij vooruitstrevend denken.

Tijdens onze presentatie behandelden wij het onderwerp “Wat vinden jullie van AI?” in combinatie met ons AI-hologram Lexie. Reacties hierop waren: “Het is eigenlijk best handig.” Bovendien konden de bezoekers zelf een gesprek aangaan met het AI-hologram. Bekijk de aftermovie hiernaast.

Hologram at ESHa Conference

"Media Hologram recently took a trip abroad to attend the biennial ESHA conference, this time in the beautiful Dubrovnik, in collaboration with the Association of Croatian Middle School Heads." 


ESHA, which stands for European School Heads Association, approached Media Hologram to be present at the event and incorporate our holograms into the program. As part of the program, we had the pleasure of featuring Andreas Schleicher holographically in the spotlight. 

The gathering is organized for special lectures and workshops but also provides the perfect opportunity to learn, exchange experiences, and expand everyone's network. Below, we'll tell you more about our contribution during the three-day event, which focused on 'School Leaders Making a Difference'. 

andreas schleicher

One of our contributions and the most remarkable moment during the conference was the appearance of Andreas Schleicher on the hologram. The individual who appeared on the hologram is known as the Director of Education and Skills and was a significant part of the main program during the conference. On the hologram, visitors could enjoy a speech by the director about the latest innovations in education. Many visitors couldn't believe their eyes because it seemed so realistic, almost as if Andreas Schleicher was actually present. This led to enthusiastic reactions.


"In addition to the holographic projection of the director, we also provided another unique eyecatcher, namely our AI-Hologram named Lexie, specially developed for education. We placed this setup in the same location but in a different room so that visitors could ask questions and have time to get to know Lexie. The AI-hologram, which speaks English by default, provided fun interactions with the visitors. To enhance the experience, we added pre-programmed animations, such as the 3D Eiffel Tower, which elicited amazed reactions from the visitors."

Een geslaagd project

"The ESHA conference in Dubrovnik has led to a successful project within education. The combination of our contribution during the conference and the international school leaders has opened the door to new possibilities for education on an international scale. We thank ESHA director Petra van Haren for the close collaboration throughout this project. Watch the aftermovie of the ESHA in Dubrovnik here.

Follow Media Hologram on social media channels for more updates and the latest news.

Looking for a unique eyecatcher for your event?
Contact our company for more information and discover how we can help take your next event to the next level.

Hologram Uefa draw

Media Hologram currently serves over 14 countries worldwide. While we take pride in every project we undertake, this traditional event was truly remarkable and one for the books.


The UEFA draw, an event that quickens the hearts of football enthusiasts worldwide, took place this time at the prestigious Grimaldi Forum in Monaco. The event was graced by numerous dignitaries, including renowned coaches and footballers like Manchester City's talent, Erling Haaland, who took home the prize for Best European Player of the Year. Below, we're delighted to share more about this spectacular event and our contribution. 

Holographic trophies

To make this event even more special, Media Hologram was approached to add an innovative touch. For the UEFA draw, we introduced a first: holographic projections of the coveted trophies. The trophies of the Conference League, Europa League, and Champions League shimmered on the red carpet in 3D. The 3D animations showcased how the different trophies were built up with light effects into a complete trophy measuring an impressive 110 cm. We placed various holograms at different locations in the Grimaldi Forum, so each trophy had its own podium and was in the spotlight. Many visitors were impressed, leading to delightful moments where people took photos with the hologram.

UEFA bekers Grimaldi Forum Monaco

From advice to realization

Throughout the event in Monaco, we worked with great passion on this project. Together with the creative team of UEFA, we ensured seamless collaboration. From personalizing the pedestals with branding to installing them on-site at the Grimaldi Forum in Monaco.

Would you like to experience the atmosphere of the UEFA draw again?
Watch here the aftermovie.

Are you interested in renting a hologram?
Contact our company for more information and discover how we can help make your next event or marketing campaign unforgettable with hologram technology.