first lego league 2024

Media Hologram was approached by two primary schools to contribute to their project during the First Lego League, which took place at Avans Hogeschool in Breda this time.

Regional finals

On the morning of February 3rd, Avans University of Applied Sciences in Breda was transformed into the epicenter of technological innovation and creativity. Primary schools Labyrinth from Oosterhout and De Verbinding from Nunspeet approached us to contribute to their innovative creations for the long-awaited First Lego League West-Brabant Regional Finals 2024.

The First Lego League is much more than just building robots; it is a platform where young people between 9 and 15 years old explore the societal role of engineering and technology through challenging tasks. In teams of up to 10 participants, they are challenged to think like real scientists and technicians.

De Verbinding Primary School

For De Verbinding Primary School in Nigtevecht, Media Hologram created a unique QR code. When scanned with a mobile phone, this QR code opened a scene from the much-discussed book 'De Grijze Jager' (The Ranger's Apprentice), a favorite among the students, which came to life thanks to Augmented Reality. The jury was extremely enthusiastic about this innovative idea to promote reading in a unique and engaging way. With this idea, the primary school won the innovation prize. 

Labyrinth Primary School

In the meantime, Labyrinth Primary School presented their own masterpiece: a brand-new Pokémon, for which they had designed the concept themselves and brought to life in a stunning 3D animation. Together with our A.I. Hologram Lexie, also known as the educational assistant, we unveiled this animated creation during a presentation. With this unique idea, Labyrinth won the first prize!

As the day drew to a close and the prizes were awarded, it became clear that the First Lego League is not just a competition, but an inspiring event of technology and innovation. It was a special day for us as a company to see the youth so engaged and passionate.